Meritocracy Avenue
Saturday October 7th 2017 Music Hall 11:30am don’t be late
Voertman Foyer 415 S. Avenue C
The orchestra and Symphonic Band teaches us how to apply the meritocratic system to run a successful business and or government.
Our mission is to preserve the Liberal Arts (education for the free man): To impel young people to participate in the arts, media expression and activities through communication strategies that will advance the public understanding, share knowledge and improve public support for remedial policies. In order to preserve the things we love we must revive and strengthen our Constitutional Republic through American Civics, Lessons from History, engaging in Critical Thinking Exercises and to study Models of Excellence.
We invited; teachers, mentors, elected officials, business professionals, entrepreneurs and entertainers to bring forth a further understanding of civics (how it is supposed to work) and the Machiavelli shenanigans that deprive us of our peace. We prepare you with basic to complex knowledge to better navigate through the rough waters to smoother sailing. Expect the unexpected.
Our invited guest are not making speeches. They are sitting down at the table with you for roundtable talks. No lobbyist, just the voice of the people. They are here to listen, discuss and answer questions and to explore with you. The torch of freedom is being passed to you. Are you ready to preserve our Republic?
We suspect that a lot of good questions, answers and possibilities will be discussed; we will film, record and distribute on social media to share with other schools, the general public, businesses, fundraising and clubs for teaching and remedial purposes.
Mentors: Arlington Commissioner Andy Ng, resigned Commissioner of The Federal Elections Commissions and current Law Professor at Berkeley Ann Ravel, Author Evan Sayet, Author Nick Adams, conservative radio host Josh Bernstein, John Pudner with ‘Take Back Our Republic’, Congressional Candidate Omar Navarro and beloved Philosophy Professor Jack O’Connor to bring it into focus and explain the relevance of history to today’s current events and concerns.
Conclusion: After listening to the speakers we realized that not much has changed since our ancient philosophers lived. We are talking about the same subject matters today as we were 2500 hundred years ago. This observation awakens the relevancy of yesterdays lessons to today’s events. Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome all had their orators, comedians, politicians, dramas and many different ways of communicating with the crowds before teleprompters and telecommunication strategies. Has it always been this way? Yes, just like it is today as our videos will demonstrate. One thing we found is that students do want to learn. They don’t want to be lectured. They don’t want rhetoric. They want to participate in the process of learning. We think that is terrific and we will structure our program to include participation from the students.
Professor Jack O’Connor explains the relevance of philosophy today.
Conservative Radio/TV host and today’s Emcee Josh Bernstein
Ann Ravel Law Professor at Berkeley resigned April 2017 as Commissioner of The Federal Elections Commission appointed by President Barack Obama ( with John Pudner with ‘Take Back Our Republic’ (, (
John Pudner is a Republican and Ann Ravel is a Democrat. But they agree on this issue and work together for the people and not big business.
Ann Ravel was working on the movie Dark Money at the time of our event. Here is the Trailer to the movie
Omar Navarro – Young Politician says ‘Get involved’
Evan Sayet Conservative Author and liberal writer for the Bill Maher show
Philosophy Professor Jack O’Connor – The voice of Reason
Author ‘Green Warrior’ Nick Adams
Commissioner Andy Ng – a man who that listens and follows directions lol brilliant man and a tremendous contributor on many different levels. Andy tells of his life as a refuge and what principes he adheres to be successful.
Josh Bernstein is a conservative Radio/TV host and political commentator. You will notice that funding and sponsorship are needed to set up and maintain a platform to be heard so Josh always mentions who he is and what he needs. Omar Navarro who is a candidate in California expresses his interest in politics from a very early age. Evan Sayet is an author and comedian from Hollywood and was a writer on the Bill Maher show demonstrates the ‘muse of comedy’.